These are the friendly faces you will see each week when you come to EMP. You will find – as we have – that our pastors are passionate about connecting people with God and are always happy to meet up with you to explore the Christian faith and see how the Bible can give meaning to your life.

Pastor Dragan Kanazir

Welcome to Eight Mile Plains Church! As the leading pastor of this church, I am honored to serve our congregation with dedication, compassion, and a deep commitment to spreading the gospel message of God’s love. With a heart for nurturing spiritual growth and fostering a sense of community, I strive...

Pr Jed Knight

Pastor Jed Knight

I have the privilege of serving as the Youth and Young Adults Pastor at Eight Mile Plains Church. Our church family are committed to nurturing a supportive environment that empowers our young people to grow both in their faith and personal lives. We’d love to have you come along and...

In addition to our pastors, we have a faithful team who work at the forefront and behind the scenes to keep EMP the friendly, fun, spiritually enriched, family-focused and community-driven church we all love to call home.

Darren Stacey, Kirralee Sinclair, Clark Staff

Want to ask a question, request a visit, organise bible studies or get in touch with a department leader? Please contact us.